In Burundi, one of the poorest and hungriest nations in the world, Hope for Tomorrow Global has been partnering with City Gate Church, in the city of Bujumbura, to enable hundreds of families to learn how to feed themselves and be lifted from poverty by teaching Foundations for Farming.

Great joy at harvesting 6x the average national yield
It’s already proved life-changing for some, like Marie Rose, who recently excitedly declared “As for me and my family, we have said ‘Good bye’ to hunger!” just months after she’d started to implement FfF on a tiny piece of land near where she lives.

Marie Rose harvesting
For hundreds of others too who’ve been gripped by poverty and who’ve been struggling for the very basics of survival, there’s a solution in sight and it’s brought hope. Things are changing for the better and Foundations for Farming is at the heart of this.

Trainees with their maize crop
FfF aims to bring transformation to individuals, communities and nations through faithful and productive use of the land, leading to long-term sustainable development. Yields are significantly higher (at least 6x) than conventional farming methods, when principles are applied faithfully and the same land is used year after year.

Harvest time
With Foundations for Farming, typically, a small-scale farmer will be able to:
- Grow enough food to sustain their family
- Sell the surplus, so gaining an income for living expenses
- Give away to others

Harvest time!
Foundations for Farming implements the principles of conservation agriculture, so there’s no ploughing and only minimal soil disturbance. There’s no burning and the soil is covered with mulch and crops are rotated each season. This emphasis on stewardship of the land leads to increased yields while also protecting the environment.

Above: Making planting stations
Below: Collecting mulch

However, Foundations for Farming is much more than this. It teaches that it’s possible to make a profit by faithfully applying 4 key management principles and doing everything:
- On time – Planning ahead, preparing well, starting early, don’t be late!
- High standards – Do everything as well as you can without taking short cuts, be honest and honourable
- Without wastage – Don’t waste time, soil, water, nutrients, energy or opportunities
- With joy – Doing these things faithfully and with thankfulness will help eradicate fear and despair and will bring hope and joy, which brings strength!

Foundations for Farming, formerly known as ‘Farming God’s Way’ is based on Biblical principles and reflects how God intended things to work in nature. When applied faithfully, these principles are truly transformational. They are a huge part of why Foundations for Farming is having such a dramatic and lasting impact in Burundi and in many nations around the world. It’s so much more than a farming method!

Preparing raised beds to combat flooding
When fully embraced and faithfully implemented it brings about a real heart-change and a change in mindset and attitudes too, alongside the abundant harvests. The cycle of dependency becomes broken and dignity is restored. It’s no wonder there’s such excitement among the trainees who are currently learning Foundations for Farming in Burundi.

Harvesting with joy
Many people, including experts in agriculture, are now coming to the trainees are asking them how they have managed to get such abundant harvests. Others are eager to learn from them. For years they have been the poorest of the poor, struggling for the very basics of life, despised and rejected, yet now their dignity is being restored and they are able to share what they know. They now have hope, hope for tomorrow and hope for the future!

Click here to find out more about how Hope for Tomorrow Global is helping families to feed themselves and be lifted from poverty through our ‘Fund a Farmer, Feed a Nation’ appeal or click below to donate and help us train more people and change more lives through Foundations for Farming.
To find out more about Foundations for Farming, how it started and what’s happening in other nations why not visit the Foundations for Farming website.